The Société des Experts Bois :
a unique center of expertise in wood materials, derivatives and applications.
Litigation settlement
Amicable or judicial appraisals, national and international arbitrations.
Economic and commercial surveys
Timber trade markets (logs, timber, processed products), management audits, timber grading, contracts, feasibility and commercial audits.
Technical survey
Projects, terms of reference, implementation, specifications, organisation and assessments.
Audits and consulting
In technical and financial fields, project monitoring, organisation.
Training Certification
Certification assistance (PEFC, FSC, …)
Carbone assessments - Energy assessments - Bioenergy program assessments
Our experts network
You can access to the directory of our Wood experts and choose the right professional depending on your needs.
Please note that this tool is only available in French at the moment.
Browse our directoryPlease note that this tool is only available in French at the moment.
Why engage a consulting expert ?
A Expert, beyond settling litigation, gives authoritative opinions which form the basis of many kinds of decisions : relating to patrimonial, commercial, legal or technical matters.
His or her opinions help and allow tribunals, insurance compagnies, private individuals, and wood professionals to make well founded decisions. For them he is a valuable and, sometimes, indispensable support.
Acknowledged by all within the wood trades, he has long and practical experience, undisputed competence and recognised rigor.
His role :
Acquainted with standards and codes of practice, he is a practical individual in permanent contact with :
- Technical and economical reality
- Professional and administrative bodies.
A reliable confidant
- Independent and impartial
- Bound to professional secrecy, pledging his reputation and his responsibility.
A person who provides conciliation and balance
- His clear judgement and his impartiality are appreciated in solving problems.